Bibliometric Tools for Discovering Information in Science
地点:将军路校区365楼 704室 时间:12月13日(周四)10:00
In bibliometrics, there are two main procedures to explore a research field: performance analysis and science mapping. Performance analysis aims at evaluating groups of scientific actors (countries, universities, departments, researchers) and the impact of their activity on the basis of bibliographic data. Science mapping aims at displaying the structural and dynamic aspects of scientific research, delimiting a research field, and quantifying and visualizing the detected subfields by means of co-word analysis or documents co-citation analysis. In this talk we present two bibliometric tools that we have developed in our research laboratory SECABA: H-Classics to develop performance analysis by based on Highly Cited Papers and SciMAT to develop science mapping guided by performance bibliometric indicators.
Enrique Herrera-Viedma is Professor in Computer Science and A.I in University of Granada and currently the new Vice-President for Research and Knowlegde Transfer. His current research interests include group decision making, consensus models, linguistic modeling, aggregation of information, information retrieval, bibliometrics, digital libraries, web quality evaluation, recommender systems, and social media. In these topics he has published more than 250 papers in ISI journals and coordinated more than 20 research projects. Dr. Herrera-Viedma is Vice-President of the IEEE SMC Society and an Associate Editor of international journals such as the IEEE Trans. On Syst. Man, and Cyb.: Systems, Knowledge Based Systems, Soft Computing, Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making, Applied Soft Computing, Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, and Information Sciences. He is identified by Clarivate Analytics as HIGHLY CITED RESEARCHER in Computer Science and Engineering from 2014 to 2018.
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